Why the name 8sevenC

creation date: 2025-02-24 13:40
modification date: 2025-02-24 13:40

When I hear "Eight Seven Central", it makes me feel nostalgia for cartoons before bedtime as a kid. The announcer on the ads between the shows would say something like “Ahh real monsters! at eight seven central.” Meaning the show will be aired at 8 EST (where I grew up) and 7 central time.

How I chose to present the spelling of 8sevenC is a bit strange I’ll admit. I just like the way the number eight looks. It has this infinity symbol going on. Something about the way the word seven is spelled in English just looks cool to me. It has some symmetry at the bottom point of the letter v. Eight also has some pretty intense symmetry going on too now that look again. To finish it off with the capital C at the end (for central) it just makes the whole phrase more symmetrical. I’m not obsessed with symmetry AT ALL and I’m not worried about it …


As for the domain name. It just so happened that .xyz is stupid cheap per year (i got it for $5 a year) so I went with that because it rhymes. Im keeping the cost as low as possible to host this site so Im utilizing Github to host the site for free. Check it out:
