new pedal idea from reddit
Make it simple - less knobs the better
No multifunction stuff - one control per knob
MIDI sync is a must
Expression control over everything
Individual dry / wet knob
Needs to sound great at every setting
Knobs at noon is crucial
make it intuitive to play - no menu diving
Make everything super legible
Indicator for clipping.
USB for midi ver knobs
Rechargeable battery
LED where you can see it with your foot on the pedal
Pedals that have soft touch that are changing on the falling edge - doesn’t switch until you let off the pedal
tap tempo / w midi sync
9-12V input
Make the knobs easy to press with your feet. Use the MXR style knobs with the rubber covers.
could explore the force sensitive resistors under the footswitch option
presets - could use rgb led rings around the knobs that change colors for the presets. They could also indicate where the knobs are on that preset. This way we can use encoders that have a button built in. Press the button to make that knob expression controlled. Press it again and it will be inversely expression controlled. Press it again to back to normal. The led ring can show where the knobs are and the effect of the expression. The limit will be from where the knob is currently set. Use 4 pins on each side of the rings with those shallow pin headers to offset them slightly. Smd rgb LEDs. Practice by making some breadboard modules first.