Random Panel Generator
This is a work in progress and currently does not work
Python Code with Non-Overlapping Jacks and Knobs
Here's the improved code that prevents overlapping of jacks and knobs:
import svgwrite
from svgwrite.shapes import Rect, Circle
import tkinter as tk
import random
# Define module width, spacing, and panel dimensions
module_width = 5.08 # Width of a single module in inches
spacing = 0.25 # Spacing between modules in inches
panel_height = 3.5 # Height of the panel in inches
# Define jack and knob radii
jack_radius = 6
knob_radius = 12
# Create a new SVG drawing with desired dimensions
dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('eurorack_panel.svg', (800, 600))
# Create a Tkinter window for user input
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Eurorack Panel Generator")
# Create labels and entry fields for user input
label_width = tk.Label(root, text="Enter the panel width in hp units:")
entry_width = tk.Entry(root)
label_jacks = tk.Label(root, text="Enter the number of jacks:")
entry_jacks = tk.Entry(root)
label_knobs = tk.Label(root, text="Enter the number of knobs:")
entry_knobs = tk.Entry(root)
# Define a function to handle user input and generate the panel
def generate_panel():
width_hp = int(entry_width.get())
num_jacks = int(entry_jacks.get())
num_knobs = int(entry_knobs.get())
width_inches = width_hp * 0.5 # Convert hp units to inches
x_offset = 50
y_offset = 50
panel = Rect(insert=(x_offset, y_offset), size=(width_inches * module_width + (width_hp - 1) * spacing, panel_height))
# Generate random positions for jacks and knobs, ensuring no overlaps
jack_positions = generate_non_overlapping_positions(num_jacks, panel, jack_radius)
knob_positions = generate_non_overlapping_positions(num_knobs, panel, knob_radius)
# Draw jacks
for x, y in jack_positions:
jack = Circle(center=(x, y), r=jack_radius, fill='black')
# Draw knobs
for x, y in knob_positions:
knob = Circle(center=(x, y), r=knob_radius, fill='gray')
label_width.config(text="Panel generated successfully!")
except ValueError:
label_width.config(text="Please enter valid integers for all fields.")
# Define a function to generate non-overlapping positions
def generate_non_overlapping_positions(num_elements, panel, radius):
positions = []
panel_width = panel.size[0]
panel_height = panel.size[1]
for _ in range(num_elements):
while True:
x = random.randint(x_offset + radius, x_offset + panel_width - radius)
y = random.randint(y_offset + radius, y_offset + panel_height - radius)
if not overlaps_with_existing(positions, x, y, radius):
positions.append((x, y))
return positions
# Define a function to check if a new position overlaps with existing ones
def overlaps_with_existing(positions, x, y, radius):
for existing_x, existing_y in positions:
if distance((x, y), (existing_x, existing_y)) <= 2 * radius:
return True
return False
# Define a function to calculate the distance between two points
def distance(point1, point2):
return ((point1[0] - point2[0]) ** 2 + (point1[1] - point2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
# Create a button to trigger the generation
button = tk.Button(root, text="Generate Panel", command=generate_panel)
# Start the Tkinter event loop
import svgwrite
from svgwrite.shapes import Rect, Circle
import tkinter as tk
import random
import math
# ... (rest of the code remains the same)
# Define available placement methods
placement_methods = {
"random": generate_random_positions,
"fibonacci": generate_fibonacci_spiral,
"regular_grid": generate_regular_grid,
"staggered_grid": generate_staggered_grid,
"hexagonal_grid": generate_hexagonal_grid,
"concentric_circles": generate_concentric_circles,
"radial_lines": generate_radial_lines,
"koch_snowflake": generate_koch_snowflake,
"cantor_set": generate_cantor_set,
"voronoi_diagram": generate_voronoi_diagram,
"perlin_noise": generate_perlin_noise
# ... (rest of the code remains the same)
# Define functions for additional geometric patterns
def generate_regular_grid(num_elements, panel_width, panel_height, x_offset, y_offset, radius):
# ... (implementation for regular grid)
def generate_staggered_grid(num_elements, panel_width, panel_height, x_offset, y_offset, radius):
# ... (implementation for staggered grid)
def generate_hexagonal_grid(num_elements, panel_width, panel_height, x_offset, y_offset, radius):
# ... (implementation for hexagonal grid)
def generate_concentric_circles(num_elements, panel_width, panel_height, x_offset, y_offset, radius):
# ... (implementation for concentric circles)
def generate_radial_lines(num_elements, panel_width, panel_height, x_offset, y_offset, radius):
# ... (implementation for radial lines)
def generate_koch_snowflake(num_elements, panel_width, panel_height, x_offset, y_offset, radius):
# ... (implementation for Koch snowflake)
def generate_cantor_set(num_elements, panel_width, panel_height, x_offset, y_offset, radius):
# ... (implementation for Cantor set)
def generate_voronoi_diagram(num_elements, panel_width, panel_height, x_offset, y_offset, radius):
# ... (implementation for Voronoi diagram)
def generate_perlin_noise(num_elements, panel_width, panel_height, x_offset, y_offset, radius):
# ... (implementation for Perlin noise)
# ... (rest of the code remains the same)
# Create a dropdown menu for selecting the placement method
label_placement = tk.Label(root, text="Select placement method:")
menu_placement = tk.OptionMenu(root, var_placement, *placement_methods.keys())
Note: The implementations for the additional geometric patterns are not provided in this response due to their complexity and potential for significant code. However, you can find implementations or examples online for these patterns.
This code provides a framework for incorporating various geometric patterns into your panel generator. By implementing the missing functions, you can offer users a wider range of options for customizing their panel designs.