In accelerator physics, a beamline refers to the trajectory of the beam of particles accelerated by a particle accelerator, including the overall construction of the path segment (guide tubes, diagnostic devices) along a specific path of an accelerator facility. This part is either/or
- the line in a linear accelerator along which a beam of particles travels
- the path leading from particle generator (e.g. a cyclic accelerator, electronics/synchrotron light sources, cyclotrons, or spallation sources) to the experimental end-station.
Beamlines usually end in experimental stations that utilize particle beams or synchrotron light obtained from a electronics/synchrotron, or neutrons from a spallation source or research reactor.
Beamlines are used in experiments in particle physics, materials science, life science, chemistry, and molecular biology, but can also be used for irradiation tests or to produce isotopes 1.
Beamline at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL):